The difference with the SW-6 inserted in my system was transformative
I've set it up (SW-6) as the last connection before my dCS Network Bridge. The etherRegen is behind it and it is connected to various ethernet ports from my Network and my NAS.
To say that the insertion of this switch improved almost every aspect of my system's tonality, soundstage (width, depth and height), the location of instruments in space, bass and the velvet black background, would be an understatement.
I know a little bit about performance bias and I'm not generally prone to hyperbole, but the difference with the SW-6 inserted in my system was transformative. For instance, I had previously thought about reducing the levels of my subs given that on some music, I thought it sounded a little muddled. Those same musical passages now resonate with authoritative oomph without any overhang or boom.
I actually tried to better this remarkable improvement but failed. I purchased two Netgear GS108e switches (enterprise level quality but consumer pricing, and with alleged audiophile qualities) and cascaded one into the other between the Network and Nas and before the etherRegen. I figured that since the two commercial switches were upstream, they couldn't degrade what was downstream. At worst, the effect would be neutral.
I removed one of the two Netgear switches and connected the other to my spare Keces P3 power supply, but the magic still didn't return. When I removed both, I was back in business.
It may just be my particular system, but the improvement was not subtle.
Credit: I. @ Canada